Information on venirepersons who took part in jury selection for the trials in the study.
A data frame with 3,300 rows and 57 variables:
- juror_id
Unique juror identifier.
- venireperson
Uique juror identifier per trial.
- caused
Venireperson was challenged and struck for cause.
- state
State used peremptory challenge against venireperson.
- defense
Defense used peremptory challenge against venireperson.
- juror_not_struck
Juror status.
- ammend_5
Caused for inability to accept defendant's `5th` Amendment rights.
- judgement
Caused for inability to stand in judgement due to religious or moral beliefs.
- inn
Caused for inability to presume a defendant's innocence.
- bias_no_fair
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias.
- bias_for_state
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias for the state.
- bias_a_g_state
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias against the state.
- bias_for_def
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias for the defense.
- bias_a_g_def
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias against the defense.
- bias_a_g_police
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias against the police.
- bias_for_police
Venireperson was challenged and struck for bias for the police.
- cant_follow_law
Venireperson was challenged and struck for inability to follow the law.
- attn
Venireperson was challenged and struck for inability to pay attention.
- bop_100_percent
Venireperson was challenged and struck for requiring a higher burden of proof than beyond a reasonable doubt.
- phys
Venireperson was challenged and struck for requiring physical evidence.
- agmt
Venireperson was challenged and struck by agreement between the State and Defense.
- vict
Venireperson was challenged and struck for prior exerience as a victim.
- eye_witness
Venireperson was challenged and struck for being unable to accept only one witness.
- pun
Venireperson was challenged and struck for being unable to accept the full range of possible punishment.
- pun_min
Venireperson was challenged and struck for being unable to accept the minimum punishment.
- pun_max
Venireperson was challenged and struck for being unable to accept the maximum punishment.
- esl
Venireperson was unable to read and write English.
- covid
Venireperson was uncomfortable serving on a jury during COVID-19.
- med
Venireperson had medical issues that made them unfit for jury service.
- prior_conviction
Venireperson had a prior conviction that made them ineligible for jury service.
- no_show
Venireperson checked in to the courthouse, but did not appear at the courtroom.
- work_exempt
Venireperson was excused for a work exemption.
- child_exempt
Venireperson was excused for a childcare exemption.
- age_exempt
Venireperson was excused for an age exemption.
- jur_age
Venireperson's age.
- jur_race
Venireperson's race.
- jur_gend
Venireperson's gender.
- zip_code
Venireperso's zip code.
- defendants_name
Anonymized name for each defendant.
- defendants_race
Defendant's race.
- defendants_gender
Defendant's gender.
- cause_number_f_xx_xxxxx
Anonymized trial number.
- charge
The charge against the defendant.
- verdict
The trial's verdict.
- punishment_number_years
The term of the punishment..
- probation
Defendant was put on probation.
- age_group
Venireperson's age binned into a group.
- peremptory_strike
Summary variable for State and Defense.
- jur_caused
Summary variable for dismissed for cause.
- jur_struck
Summary variable for struck.
- jur_exempt
Summary variable for exempt from service.
- jur_disqualified
Summary variable for disqualified.
- jur_biased
Summary variable for bias.
- jur_pun
Summary variable for punishment.